About us

About us

Our church ( RCC Poland ) is a group of people who have come together following an amazing experience of the power and presence of God in our lives. Each member of the church has received the Holy Spirit, the tangible proof of which, described in the Bible, is the fact that we all speak in tongues.

The moment we received the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ became real to us. Life in the Spirit is exciting, victorious and abundant. It is exactly as God planned it for us.

We rely on the Bible

God has responded to our faith by filling us with the Holy Spirit, which in turn has ingrained in us a reverence for the Bible, His Word. We rely entirely on the Bible, which means that we use it as a guide for both our lives and the teachings of the church. Our meetings are held exactly as the Bible commands.


Where we are

Revival Centers Church consists of around 300 assemblies located in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Fiji, Italy, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Malawi, England and many others.

The ordinary and the extraordinary

We are ordinary people. At Revival Centres you will find a cross-section of the whole society. We live a normal life - we have no special communities living in isolation, no admired gurus, cult leaders or isolated priests. Revival Centres members live in your neighbourhood, work with you, go to school and take part in community life. We stand out in only one way - God has done something amazing in our lives, given us hope as well as the strength to overcome.

We can safely say that we are living a life of 'neverending excitement'. Something amazing happened to us that we would like to share with you.

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